Forest School

Young people at Sunflower House are currently able to attend Forest School Sessions each week taking place on a Monday afternoon. This involves providing them with opportunities to develop holistically, improving their self-esteem, independence and confidence through outdoor play in nature. These sessions often take place outside in the natural environment, in locations such as woodland where possible, although we are able to adapt sessions for young people based on their needs, bringing the outdoors in.
Activities are aimed at stretching young people to try new things outside of their comfort zone while encouraging them to problem solve and think creatively, developing their physical, emotional, cognitive and social skills.
Examples of activities that the young people have participated can include:
Shelter building
Using tools
Fire lighting
Forest art
Using a Kelly Kettle
Planting and harvesting
Carving and whittling
Sculpture with natural materials
Looking after wildlife
Building bird boxes
Group games
Learning knots
Examining wildlife
Cooking on an open fire
Physical challenges
Building bug houses
Rope and string work
Bug hunting
Environmental conservation
Team games
Habitat building
Free play
Traditional woodland craft
Telling, listening to and reading stories