Sandy Park Cafe

The Sandy Park Café is a not-for profit CIO run by Student Futures, a Charitable Trust registered with the charity commission, charity number 1180845.
Opening Hours
Tuesday to Friday – 10:00am – 2:00pm
We presently have 8 students who are still gaining work experience whilst working in the Café.
Contact Details
Sandy Park Café
154 Derby Lane
L13 6QQ
Telephone: 0151 345 8787
Click here to view a copy of our Menu.
The Sandy Park Café is part of our whole school employability strategy at Sandfield Park School – supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to gain relevant work based skills and to give them improved opportunities of getting paid employment once students have left school.
Nationally only 5% of students with SEND gain any form of paid employment once they have left school.
Student Futures with 4 non-paid directors will ensure that The Sandy Park Café follow The object of the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). This is:
- a) For the public benefit to promote the education (including social and physical training) of people under the age of 25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) by providing meaningful work experience and supportive internships for these young people that could lead to employment opportunities and improve on the current 5% nationally of SEND young people who only achieve this.
Where are we up to?
The Cafe has been open since February 2019. During that time, it has given work experience opportunities to many pupils from Sandfield Park School. Even during the pandemic, we opened when we could, and provided a take away service and supported a mini enterprise project involving pupils in school.
Many of the pupils who have worked in the cafe have used this experience to move on to the next stage of their life successfully. Sometimes this would mean getting a supported internship in another organisation, like the Marriot Hotel, the Liverpool Museum and also for one pupil moving onto a supported apprenticeship. For others it has helped them gain greater confidence and be able to move on to a college.
A List of Students from Sandfield Park School who have undertaken work experience at the Sandy Park Cafe
Jasmin Dinler
Faith Asslyan
Charlotte Reagan
Stephen Williams
Bradley Jackson
Aimee Snagg
Liam Connell
Kerry Bentham
Mia Sullivan
Zac Gerrard
Matthew Hughes
Amy Crist
Kelsea Curtis
Lewis Hampton
Ethan Mullin
Sophie Roberts
Leonard Stanchu
Kamil Kalus
Amelia Tully
Amie Windsor Guard
Zidan Saleh
Dominic Brugnoli
The pupils have been very well supported in their roles by Ms Taylor, Mrs Bailey, Mrs Bateman, Ms Kavanagh
Sandy Park Café team up with Two Michelin Star Restaurant, Moor Hall, Aughton
It is with great pleasure that I can announce Sandy Park Café are collaborating with Moor Hall Restaurant with Rooms and its Chef Patron Mark Birchall.
Moor Hall, which holds two Michelin Stars and five AA rosettes, will host students from Sandfield Park School on educational visits throughout the year, to give them first-hand experience in their kitchen, and will make regular contributions to Sandy Park Café. Celebrated chef Mark will also create regular dishes that we will serve at the café – a fantastic accolade from the UK’s number one restaurant, a title given to Moor Hall at Restaurant Magazine’s Estrella Damm National Restaurant Awards last year. We are very grateful to Mark and all the staff and customers at Moor Hall.
Support, Donations and Grants
We would like to thank the many people who have supported and made donations to Sandy Park Café. Initially the Café was set up by the A.J. Bell Trust with the support from Food for Thought, Quinn Barrow Solicitors, Liverpool City Council and the National Lottery Community Fund. The A.J. Bell Trust have allowed Student Futures to use the building for no cost and contributed the rental income from the two-bedroom flat above the Cafe. To help the Café remain sustainable we have received various donations in particular from James Crombie (Parent) and his friend Craig McAdam, Liverpool Scooter Club (see presentation picture below), Sean Munro from CCC Waste and the customers from Moor Hall Restaurant with Rooms, Aughton.