Sandfield Park

Alder Centre for Education

ACE Science

                                                          Science at ACE
Key stage 3
In Key stage 3 we follow the National Curriculum. This curriculum has been designed to identify gaps in pupil knowledge and address them in line with curriculum expectations.  All topics have been carefully selected and sequenced to meet the ever changing needs of the pupils. From September 2022 pupils are assessed 3 times per year using a summative assessment.  This has been designed to check prior knowledge, new learning and knowledge application in unfamiliar contexts.  These 3 key points in the year are identified by the teacher to ensure pupils have sufficient subject knowledge to continue to the next stage in the curriculum.  Areas of study are as follows:

  1. Cell Structure and Transport processes
  2. The Earth and its structure
  3. Interdependence and adaptations 
  4. DNA and Variation 
  5. The Periodic table of Elements
  6. Electromagnetism
  7. Magnetism
  8. Respiration 
  9. Chemical Energy changes
  10. Waves and wave properties
  11. Movement and the human skeleton 
  12. Metals and Non-Metals
  13. Human and plant reproduction
  14. Matter

Key stage 4
 At KS4 we offer AQA GCSE Biology 9-1. This course consists of 2 exam papers each lasting 1hr 45 and is taken at the end of year 11. Each paper is worth 50% of the overall mark.
The GCSE Biology curriculum has been carefully sequenced to ensure that pupils can develop a love for Biology and constantly build on prior learning from KS3. Year 10 starts with topic 1-4 with year 11 finishing topics 5-7. This sequence allows pupils to build knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of the key biological concepts that underpin the curriculum. 

Paper 1(1 hr 45) consists of Cell biology, Organisation, Infection and Response and Bioenergetics.
Paper 2( 1 hr 45)consists of Homeostasis and Response, Inheritance, Variation and Evolution and Ecology.
Required practicals  

There are currently 10 Biology based practical’s which students will complete at ACE over a 2 year period. 

These will be completed in class time and pupils will be required to answer exam style questions as a record of their participation. 

These practical’s form 30% of the marks across paper 1 and 2 with the skills and knowledge being assessed at the end of year 11 in their final exams.

The required practical’s are as follows:

Paper 1 

  1. Required Practical 1 – Microscopy
  2. Required Practical 2 – Microbiology (Triple Science Only)
  3. Required Practical 3 – Osmosis
  4. Required Practical 4 – Enzymes
  5. Required Practical 5 – Food Tests
  6. Required Practical 6 – Photosynthesis

Paper 2

      Required Practical 7 – Reaction Time

      Required Practical 8 – Germination (Triple Science Only)

      Required Practical 9 – Field Investigations

      Required Practical 10 – Decay (Triple Science Only)

For more information on the required practical’s please visit

If you have any questions regarding the science curriculum offered at ACE please feel free to get in touch.

Ross Crilly
ACE Science Co-ordinator