Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service ACE

There are a high proportion of pupils who receive education support from ACE who suffer with a variety of mental health difficulties. For most cases the child is already being supported by CAMHS. However there are other children who may also be struggling with aspects of their mental health in relation to their illness.
There is full-time support provided by CAMHS for ACE in order to help these children in accessing education at ACE and overcoming barriers to education as a result of their mental health.
Support can include:
-Outreach support including some home visits
-Advice and guidance to parents
-Individual support for children who are under CAMHS
-Small group work supporting social anxiety and peer relationships
ACE has a close working relationship with CAMHS. All teachers and support staff receive training in a variety of aspects of mental health.
This support is delivered by CAMHS clinician Kate Henderson
In addition ACE has a CAMHS key worker who provides support to pupils.

Visit the Liverpool CAMHS website at:
Visit Fresh CAMHS website at:
If you require mental health advice or support please contact the CAMHS Crisis line on 0151 293 3577.
The crisis line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.