Sandfield Park

Alder Centre for Education

English Literature 2 ACE

English Literature 
How to revise
Follow the advice and use the revision checklist on the Revising for English Literature document.
Revising for English Literature
What to revise
Shakespeare – Macbeth
Use the Spark Notes online ‘Macbeth’ study guide including the No Fear Shakespeare modern translation.
Poetry Anthology
Re-read the poems in the anthology and make creative resources based on your notes:
Poetry Anthology

Post-1914 Prose/Drama
An Inspector Calls 

Use the Spark Notes online study guide for ‘An Inspector Calls’

Blood Brothers
Use the website:

19th Century Prose – A Christmas Carol
Use the Spark Notes online study guide for ‘A Christmas Carol’.

Use the ‘Revising the plot and characters of ACC’ document

Revise relevant quotations using the ‘Quotations Characters ACC‘ file
Revise context using this ‘Why did Dickens write A Christmas Carol‘ link

Unseen Poetry
Use the BBC Bitesize online guide to revising and comparing poetry.

Revision Texts for English
There are many editions available so please make sure you buy one for the EDUQAS specification and the new Grade 9-1 GCSE. The most cost effective is the edition from CGP.
For English Literature, we would recommend that students have their own copies of their set texts and use online study guides for revision. Cheap and second-hand editions are available from Amazon.
Students will need copies of:

  • A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
  • Blood Brothers by Willy Russell
  • The script of Macbeth is widely available for free online and students already have personal copies of the poetry anthology.