Enrichment at Sunflower House
Everyman Theatre
Practitioners from The Everyman Theatre Company visit Sunflower House each week to create an ongoing piece of Drama. Each week, young people have the opportunity to contribute to a wide range of theatre activities ranging from staging, characters, plot design, costume design to lighting and stage directions. Each half term the young people have the opportunity to attend The Everyman Theatre for a backstage tour exploring the costume room, lighting space and staging area. This trip is often a highlight of the half term for the young people at Sunflower House. As part of this experience, young people at Sunflower House have had the opportunity to perform some of their work to Sunflower House staff in various performance spaces such as at The Everyman Theatre and within the outdoor staging area in the sensory garden at Sunflower House.
Home Safari
We are extremely fortunate for Home Safari to attend Sunflower House each month throughout 2023, 2024 and 2025. This animal assisted therapy experience allows the children to gain hands on experience of handing different animals, providing an opportunity to ask questions and learn about how to care for a variety of insects and mammals. Young people interact with the animals in a small group setting and have the opportunity to hold, pet, and groom and feed the animals. These positive interactions with the animals provides our young people with opportunities to develop self-esteem, motivation and social –skills.
Weekly music tuition is provided at Sunflower House by external practitioners from The Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. This experience allows the children to explore a range of genres, learn new skills and trial a wide range of music instruments. Sessions are delivered via a mixture of small group sessions and 1:1 tuition.

To support careers education at Sunflower House the young people have set up their own Enterprise business – Sunflower Treasures. The young people have worked together to design and make Christmas baubles and bookmarks. These have them been advertised and sold at Sunflower House. Alongside their creative work the young people have used the Employability Skills Builder to develop their knowledge and understanding of key skills that are important in the world of work. We also explore the local community and consider ways to ‘give back’ through recycling projects, food back projects and considering ways we and the ward can reduce our Carbon Footprint through climate change.