Sandfield KS3 and KS4 Curriculum and Careers
Welcome to Sandfield School Key Stage 3 and 4 The curriculum at KS3 and 4 takes into account and incorporates pupils experiences, age and developmental stage.
We acknowledge that many of our pupils have complex learning difficulties and have designed a personalised curriculum that enables the pupils to learn and progress through: Topic based learning, semi-formal or a more formal approach.
Pupils will follow a curriculum to prepare them for real life and work related tasks. Their needs outlined in their EHCP will be addressed, with the National Curriculum being followed as far as possible. For the pupils aged 14-16, this will involve a focus on developing academic, personal and social skills. These skills will help prepare them in moving into the Sixth Form, where they will be involved in arranged work experience, the completion of further work related tasks, the possibility of an internship and then preparation for work opportunities that could arise beyond school. For each pupil, their individual needs will be considered and tasks/activities will be differentiated and support will be provided accordingly.
During their time in KS4, the pupils will be looking to gain nationally recognised qualifications.
We do this through a broad curriculum consisting of Functional Skills, Personal, Social and Health Education, Citizenship and Independent Living Skills. We also provide a rich Expressive Arts programme as our students thrive from the opportunities that these curriculum areas offer.
Meet The Team:
Miss C. Hynes Class Teacher, English (AAC, Communication, Speaking and Listening,) Writing
Miss R Bird Class Teacher, MFL, Computing
Mr Wood Class Teacher, Humanities, Forest School
Miss S. Barry PE Teacher & Subject co-ordinator
Mr Godfrey Class Teacher, Design and Technology, Food and Nutrition
Miss L. Cant Class Teacher, Maths
Ms E Moreton Class Teacher, Art & Sensory
We encourage pupils to complete some extra work at home, usually focussing on reading and some of the activities on the website links below.
Homework Website Links
Links to websites that require login information from school:
Mathletics – A maths website with interactive activities and a world-wide calculation challenge.
Bugclub – A reading website with a wide range of books and comprehension questions.
IDL Cloud – A reading and spelling website to help develop spelling patterns and skills.
Links to websites with a range of interactive activities, games, rhymes and various other learning resources:
Homework help
ICT Games
Teachingmoney – Money activities and games
Mathszone – Maths specific games and activities
Dolchword – Games involving essential and common spelling words
Timestables – Times tables games and activities
Primarygames – Maths games
Khanacademy – Maths and science video lessons and activities
Nrich – Problem solving challenges
Parents/carers – fancy testing those maths skills yourself?