Sandfield Park

Alder Centre for Education


We understand that coming to a new place can make you feel very nervous, so we have included lots of information on this page to help you feel at ease and answer any questions you might have about starting ACE.

How many people will be in my class?
We try to keep each class small and have no more than 10 pupils per class.

Is there a uniform?
Yes, if you are attending lessons at ACE you will be required to follow our uniform policy. The uniform is a plain white shirt or t-shirt and black skirt, trousers or leggings. You are able to wear any shoes as long as they are appropriate and any other items of clothing including: hoodies, cardigans, coats or jumpers.

Will I be in all day?
All of our pupils attend on a part time timetable. The amount of lessons you attend will depend on your individual circumstances and what year you are in.

What happens if I feel anxious?
We always have staff available for you to talk to and listen to any worries or concerns you may have. Every pupil is able to ask for a timeout from lessons if they require some extra support.

What happens when I feel ready to go back to school?
You will remain on roll with your mainstream school whilst coming to ACE. All pupils will have regular review meetings involving parents, health professionals and staff from both ACE and school. Reviews monitor progress and can discuss potential transition back to school if appropriate.

Will I still be able to do GCSEs?
Yes! depending on your class and attendance you will be able to complete GCSEs in English Language, Literature, Maths, Biology and Art. We also offer Btec ICT and alternative qualifications such as entry level certificates for pupils who are unable to complete GCSEs.

Am I allowed my mobile phone?
We ask all pupils to either not bring their mobiles into ACE or to hand them in at to the teacher when they arrive in class. This means you are able to listen to your music if required as the phone will stay in the classroom. When you go to your next lesson you must hand your phone in to the teacher in the classroom.

How big is ACE?
ACE is very small compared to most schools. We have 5 classroom and access to a Music room, a Wellbeing Room, Intervention Room, a Snug, Office and CAMHS room. We have an outside space where pupils can sit or play football at break and lunch times.