The governors are actively engaged in the leadership of the school. A full governors' meeting is held each term, parents are represented at these meetings by parent governors. There are committees of the governing body held each half term
A Governing Body is required to have a register of Pecuniary Interests. Staff and Governors of a school have an obligation to avoid any conflict of interest between their own affairs and those of the school.
Declared Interests:-
Mr M Hilton declared his spouse is a teacher at the school. He is a Trustee of Student Futures (Sandy Park Cafe) and a Partner with Food for Thought.
Mr J Doyle declared he is a governor at another school.
Mrs J Moore declared she is a governor at another school.
Mrs Atkinson declared she s a governor at another school.
No other interests were declared.
Governor Roles
The governors are actively engaged in the leadership of the school. A full governors' meeting is held each term, parents are represented at these meetings by parent governors. There are committees of the governing body held each half term
A Governing Body is required to have a register of Pecuniary Interests. Staff and Governors of a school have an obligation to avoid any conflict of interest between their own affairs and those of the school.
Declared Interests:-
Mr M Hilton declared his spouse is a teacher at the school. He is a Trustee of Student Futures (Sandy Park Cafe) and a Partner with Food for Thought.
Mr J Doyle declared he is a governor at another school.
Mrs J Moore declared she is a governor at another school.
Mrs Atkinson declared she s a governor at another school.
No other interests were declared.
Governor Roles
- Head Teacher is a governor by virtue of office.
- Parent Governors are elected by other parents at the school. Any parent or carer of a registered pupil at the school at the time of election is eligible to stand for election as a Parent Governor.
- Local Authority Governors are nominated by the Local Authority but appointed by the Governing Body.
- Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body. They are people who in the opinion of the Governing Body have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
- Staff Governors are teaching or support staff who at the time of election are employed to work at the school. Staff Governors are elected by school staff.