Sixth Form 1
Staff – Ms Carey, Miss Dunbavin, Miss Kelly.
Pupils: - Sophie, Kamil, Amelia, Lewis, Wisdom, Leonard, Tony, Ethan, Zeid, Lincoln and Marcin.
Welcome back to SF1. We are a mixed group of Year 11-14s. Our year 11’s and 12’s will be following a adapted life skills based curriculum and our year 13-14 will mainly be based on communication, employment, supported internships, work experience , independence and relationships.
All pupils will continue to work on gaining ASDAN Towards Independence accreditations, AQA Units of Award and Entry Level 1 or 2 in Maths, English and Computing.
Last year some of our pupils achieved a Bronze Award in the Duke of Edinburgh award and there will an opportunity for these students work towards a Silver.
We are looking forward to another year of Achievements and fun.
Class Teacher- Miss S. Foga
SF1 Timetable